About ICAISC 2025
The 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing ICAISC 2025 will be held in Zakopane (situated in the High Tatra mountains),
Poland in June 22-26, 2025 in Bachleda Kasprowy Zakopane Hotel. The conference will provide an excellent opportunity for scientists and engineers to present and discuss the latest scientific
results and methods. The conference will include keynote addresses, contributed papers, and numerous lectures and tutorials on a wide range of topics.
The Conference will be held in the hybrid mode: online and on-site in Zakopane. The authors of accepted papers will have a choice to present their papers on-line, or on site in Zakopane, Mercury Kasprowy Hotel, Poland.
All accepted papers, irrespective of the presentation mode, will be included in the LNAI conference proceedings.
The working language of the conference is English. Only original, unpublished papers are invited. Authors should submit an electronic version of papers by the conference web page. The papers should be organized in accordance with a common scientific structure (abstract, state of the art in the field, intention, used methodology, obtained results and references). Papers will undergo double-blind reviewing by an international committee, and accepted on the basis of their scientific merit and relevance to the conference topics. Please prepare anonymized versions of the paper being submitted. Please preserve anonymity by avoiding providing information that may identify the authors in the acknowledgements, links to websites and the literature references. After the notification of acceptance, authors will be allowed to make a correction in accordance with the suggestions of the reviewers and submit final camera-ready papers in Latex format only. The conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Springer LNAI proceedings will be available online shortly after the conference. Accepted papers must be presented by the author(s) personally to be published in the conference proceedings.
The next ICAISC - the 25th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing 2026 will take place between June 14 and 18, 2026 in Zakopane, Poland at Bachleda Hotel Kasprowy.
Access to ICAISC 2024 Proceedings
Proceedings of ICAISC 2024: LNCS 15164, LNCS 15165 and LNCS 15166 are now available online and can be accessed at
The conference participants are granted the free access rights to the 23rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, ICAISC 2024 proceedings for 4-6 weeks here https://icaiscsystem.icaisc.eu/ (Please use your old login).
Beware of the fake ICAISC Conference from WASET
We would like to bring to your attention the issue of fake conferences organized by WASET (World Academy of Science, Engineering, and Technology). It has come to our notice that WASET has a history of hosting dubious conferences that lack academic rigor and credibility.
We advise you to thoroughly research any conference before committing to it and to consult with trusted colleagues or academic advisors if you have doubts. Please read more at:
ICAISC H5-index = 20 (provided by Google Scholar Metrics):
ICAISC 2023 at Research.com
ICAISC 2022 at Research.com
ICAISC 2021 at Research.com
ICAISC 2020 at Research.com
All the previous ICAISC proceedings belong to the top most downloaded eBooks in the SpringerLink (top 25% most downloaded eBooks). The Proceedings of ICAISC are available here: